Home arrow The Project arrow What's up 2008 arrow February 2008 The Exhibition Topek@ in Haarlem in the Netherlands
February 2008 The Exhibition Topek@ in Haarlem in the Netherlands

The exhibition Topek@ was the memorial exhibition for Rob Mast and it was held 18.1. - 2.2.2008 in Haarlem, NL.






  Haarlem, Bravo Church. The exposure for two weeks in April 2007. Rob´s wife Liesbeth van der Maat continued as a can assistant instead of Rob.



Liesbeth sent me the invitation to join her in the overall requiem exhibition for Rob Mast who died so suddenly on February 1st. in 2007. Because pinhole photography had Rob´s warm interest Liesbeth wanted to ask me and Walther Burkhard to share a panel. Rob was one of my can assistants and he took part in the both projects. Here is the link to Burkhard´s project in which Rob was involved, too. http://www.gallery-merid.com/ . I think Liesbeth´s idea to organize this exhibition in remembrance of Rob at Galerie 37, on the Groot Heiligland 37 in Haarlem NL, was excellent indeed. 


Who was Rob Mast?

"Rob Mast was a man with many, many interests for many, many subjects.

Conversations run like rivers with a lot of branches, slowing down and
accelerating. They seem to go on for ever since Rob was never finished with
anything. There were always new thoughts, new ideas and proposals.

In this exhibition his restless mind comes to a stop. His family and friends
show, each for themselves, that one thing, subject or hobby that connected
them closest to Rob. With that, this exhibition is a true reflection of all
those worlds in which he kept searching and which continued to intrigue him
and topics that kept coming back...." (Translation of the opening text of Topek@  by Lisbeth)


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