January 2008

An interactive page has been added to this website.

 Earlier I have discussed and answered to the questions by email. Now it is possible to follow and take part in the conversation in public, too, here on the website. Some phenomena in solargarphs pay attention and curiosity. Your comments and arguments are very welcome.





Helsinki, Finland. The exposure from September to 23rd of December 2007. Solargraph by Tarja Trygg.


What are these upper curves in the sky? Are they the moon´s paths?

Nowadays I am convinced that the moon´s path is visible also in the solargraph. I have tried to catch the moon´s path during the full moon by opening the pinhole in the evening and closing it in the morning. Next night I repeated this without having very good result. But in this solargraph there are several lines and what an interesting turn to the opposite direction. I know that the moon´s path can go in different route. The tracks of the Sun are the white lines and the lowest ones come from December when the Sun is very low here in the northern hemisphere.




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By: Tarja Trygg () on 04:45 25-05-2008


By: Tarja Trygg on 04:45 25-05-2008

Thank you for your courage to start as the first commentator. Probably there are reflections. When you mentioned music in your interpretation one solargraph came to my mind. Have a look at the solargraph by Eero Ali-Mattila from Kuhmo Art Center during the music festival 21.7.-26.7.2007 in Kuhmo, Finland. You will see how a music bumerang is reflecting in the space.


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can shepherd

By: Diego () on 22:02 19-05-2008

can shepherd

By: Diego on 22:02 19-05-2008

Hi Tarja! nice solarigrafia it remind me to ur first but in that one, the threes are plenty of leaves ;) Thanks for giving us the chance to compare. I have noticed these lines in some of mine solargraphs and i think it has to be with the light reflections inside the can. Could be cause the glossy surface of the paper was working as a mirror. Rareness the lines turning to the opposite direction. I cant found any explanation by the moment, let me think...they give to this particular solarigrafia some kind of music


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