Home arrow The Project arrow What's up 2008 arrow August 2008 Yellow paths in the sky in Mississippi
August 2008 Yellow paths in the sky in Mississippi

This solargraph is a delight to the eye. Tom Miller sent me back my cans from Mississippi for proceeding and this was the best of them. I wonder the yellow colour in the sun´s paths. I would appreciate very much if  somebody could find a good explanation for it.




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A Pond

By: Tom Miller () on 22:51 31-10-2008

A Pond

By: Tom Miller on 22:51 31-10-2008

The photo was made in Minnesota in my back yard. The water is a man-made pond that was built in a naturally low area and that we share with our neighbors. The Mississippi River is on the other side of our house. The other cameras that Tarja sent me were placed overlooking the Mississippi; but this shot was the best of the four. The photo was made over a two-month period roughly April 22 - June 22, 2008.


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The Mississippi in Minnesota

By: Nick Dvoracek () on 11:53 30-10-2008

The Mississippi in Minnesota

By: Nick Dvoracek on 11:53 30-10-2008

I'm pretty sure the image portrays the Mississippi River in Minnesota. Tom is from the Twin Cities area.


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