Home arrow The Project arrow What's up 2008 arrow September 2008 The autumnal equinox is approaching on Monday Sept 22
September 2008 The autumnal equinox is approaching on Monday Sept 22

At the autumnal equinox (Sept 22, 2008; 11:44:18 A.M. EDT), the Sun appears to cross the celestial equator, from north to south; this marks the beginning of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere.

It's one of two times a year when the Sun crosses the equator, and the day and night are of approximately equal length.


It is a good day to replace a new can for exposing for three months until the winter solstice. If you wish to have the expsoure of 6 months and you have started exposure from June to December you can leave your pinhole can alone until December.



Stephen Pickering sent me a solargraph. It was made with a home made pinhole camera and 8" x 10" paper. The location is 50.7N, 4.5E (just south of Brussels) and the viewing direction is towards the rising sun in the East for the period 20 July to 14 September 2008 .




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