Home arrow The Project arrow What's Up 2009 arrow September 2009: Solargraphy Paper Test
September 2009: Solargraphy Paper Test

Colours in solagraphs are interesting. How is it possible to see the results in colours?
In my experimental tests I have notices some differences with black and white photographic papers in the past. I have set out several cameras to compare the colour results of different papers. Each camera was loaded with a different type of black and white photographic paper as Kodak Professional Polymax II RC White Smooth Glossy, Kentmere Variable Contrast paper Select Glossy M.Wt, Ilford Multigrade III RC De Lux MGX 1M, Ilford MCIV Multigrade IV RC De Lux, Fomaspeed Variant 311 Multigrade,  Fomabrom Variant 111 Multigrade, Argentone BW photographic paper Polybrom RC Variable, Fujifilm Fujibromide Rembrant V G2 BW paper Variable grade.

I am very interesting to hear from Gregg Kemp´s paper test on the Autumn Equinox. His cameras were loaded with the papers as
Ildorf Multigrade IV Delux (MGD, 44M), pearl finish,
Orienal Seagull F-2, glossy finish, pure black tone,
Foma Formatone MG Glassic, warm tone and
Kentmere Fineprint VC F.G, warmtone.

Gregg wrote: “I realize this isn’t a very scientific test. There are many factors that may affect the resulting colors of solargraphs. It would be good to compare factors like the paper tone (warm, cold, neutral), fiber-based vs. RC, graded paper vs. multi-grade, etc. Within a single manufacturer there may be great variation in results based on these and other factors. If anyone else has information to share along these lines, I would like to hear from you.  Comment here or send me an email.” http://www.greggkemp.com/

In Asia there are some other bw paper and it would be interesting to test them, too. For example Rully Oktario Edison from Indonesia usually uses Lucky paper for his pinhole. That kind of bw paper is quite unknown for me. The results interest me greatly. 


Keep in touch

Best regards,



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Solargraph project about to start

By: Anthony Ayiomamitis () on 10:15 07-12-2009

Solargraph project about to start

By: Anthony Ayiomamitis on 10:15 07-12-2009

Hi Greg, 
I have 25 pinhole cameras ready to be put into use on solstice day in a couple of weeks. I plan to use Ilford Multigrade IV deluxe paper (satin finish) and which measures 5"x7". 
I will keep you posted. 


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