Home arrow The Project arrow What's Up 2010 -12 arrow January 2010: Solargraphy@HK:Sunpaths Pinhole Recording
January 2010: Solargraphy@HK:Sunpaths Pinhole Recording

The New Year 2010 has started very well. Solargraphy is very wellknown around the world.

Solargraphs can be seen in Hong Kong Arts Centre from 22 January to 22 February, 2010. http://www.hkac.org.hk/en/calendar.php?id=72


  Solargraphy@HK: Sunpath Pinhole Recording 23/1-22/2/2010

Have a look at their video here: http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=108325675845071







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