Home arrow The Project arrow What's Up 2010 -12 arrow March 2010: Happy Spring Equinox to All Solargraphy Fans
March 2010: Happy Spring Equinox to All Solargraphy Fans

A lot of snow is still here in Finland in the northern hemisphere but day after day it is more light.
























This solargraph was exposed from the winter solstice to the vernal equinox 2009 by Tarja Trygg and it was one of the Winners 2010 of  the Lithuanian ArtWeek  International Exhibition & Competition of Contemprary Arts 




International Photography Competition:

Nomination "Plastic Forms"

1st place: Tarja Trygg; competitive work "Suomenniemi"


Nomination "Experimental Photo"

1st place: Tarja Trygg, competitive work "Arabia"

2nd place: Tarja Trygg, competitive work "Cathedral" 


The solargraphy project is still going on. I wish you a lot of fun with solargraphy!




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