December 2011: Solargraphy is nowadays very well-known in the world

The year 2011 was a very happy solargraphic year.

Many people have got inspired to do solargraphs. New solargraphy projects are running. It is easy to get information on solargraphy from the Internet.

Solargraphs have been seen in exhibitions, newspapers, magazines, books and in the social media as well.


My small pinhole can cameras to the participants are returning back to me. I will add the best results from the last 6-month exposure period from June to December 2011 to the SolargraphyGallery.


It is a lot of fun with solargraphy. Vlado Hauser from the Slovak Republic thanks for the know-how of taking solargraphs. Here you see his interesting combination.


I wish you all Happy Solargraphic Years!


Tarja Trygg





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