Solargraphy search
Continent: North America
Country: Canada
City: Montr?al
Latitude: 45° N
Longitude: 73 W
Year: 2007
Assistant: Lise Bernier
Address: Montr?al, Quebec, Canada
Exposure time: 2.6.-3.9.2007
Additional info: The view
from the window is a very sharp photograph with blue sky and the tracks
of the sunrise. The curving street comes from the negative that has been
curved inside the can. If you print out the image and turn the image in
the same way you will see the straight street in the image.
from the window is a very sharp photograph with blue sky and the tracks
of the sunrise. The curving street comes from the negative that has been
curved inside the can. If you print out the image and turn the image in
the same way you will see the straight street in the image.