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Continent: North America
Country: USA
City: Arizona
Latitude: 35° N
Longitude: 111 W
Year: 2008
Assistant: Becky Ramotowski and Brian Skiff
Address: Arizona, USA
Exposure time: 22.9.-21.12.2008
Additional info:

 Becky Ramotowski was in collaboration with Brian Skiff of Lowell Observatory, Anderson Mesa Station, Arizona 86001   USA. Astronomer Becky Ramatowski sent me two interesting solargraphs where the polycolor lines of the three month period are crossing in the sky. The air quality around the site for these cameras is very good.  It is why there is an observatory there operated by Lowell and one of the reasons they selected it. I do like this solargraph and it makes me wonder how these different blue colors come out.


"They were in the same location but facing slightly different directions.
  One of them, facing south was knocked off its perch and ended up in
the snow for about two weeks.  It was buried during that time in the
snow, so perhaps the temperature is a factor.  Or perhaps some snow melt
affected the outcome‑ or caused the contrasting color?"