Vivienne told me:
"Camera 3 was difficult to place and retrieve and I'm not sure if it is
even facing true south. It was around -25 degrees farenheigth and a
good strong wind chill on December 21. I set the cameras out starting
at my house, and of course I had to take my gloves off to get the
drill and screws out and put the camera up. The snow was deep and I
used snow shoes to get into the Buena Vista Forest. By the time I got
to that point in the forest and my fingers were not working well and I
was disoriented, so I quickly put the camera up and took some photos
with my phone. I got out of there as fast as I could. It was just as
bad when I went into the forest again to pick up the camera on June
21st. This time it was hot and I was followed by a big cloud of
hungry mosquitoes. The covered me as I was trying to get the camera
down as fast as possible. I ran out of the forest that time. If the
image turns out at all you will know that it's deep in the forest."
The solargraphs turned out splendid. Thank you, Vivienne, for all trouble with picking the cans up again through the big cloud of hungry mosquitoes! The name of "the Buena Vista Forest" sounds so beautiful. The colors of blue and white are mergeing into the colors of summer. Still the winter seems to be dominant in this solargraph when the exposure took half a year.