Solargraphy search
Continent: North America
Country: USA
City: Denver, CO
Latitude: 39° N
Longitude: 104 E
Year: 2010
Assistant: Mark Sink
Address: Denver, Colorado, USA
Exposure time: Three week long exposure
Additional info: Mark Sink:"Three week long exposure from my mailbox at the front steps.
A pinhole in 35mm film can ..sent to me by Tarja Trygg in Finland. . I now have set several cans for a whole solstice season around bridges and construction sites around the city. I find it very exciting". (FB January 8, 2011)
A pinhole in 35mm film can ..sent to me by Tarja Trygg in Finland. . I now have set several cans for a whole solstice season around bridges and construction sites around the city. I find it very exciting". (FB January 8, 2011)